Tireside Chat – poetry and prose reading next week

Next Wednesday, I’m giving a reading of poetry and prose at the US Bicycling Hall of Fame. Admission is free, and if that isn’t enough reason to check out the event, then below the flier I’ll tease you with a photo of one of the funkier bikes they have in their museum collection. Still no response from the organizers about whether I can give the reading while riding the bike around the room.

The Outspokin’ Cyclist: Driving the kids with a bicycle

Four days a week, Teddy Salazar takes his son Theo to school just like most parents. Instead of a car seat, however, Theo rides in a trailer towed behind Salazar’s bicycle. Weaving around potholes and climbing hills along four miles of west Durham’s streets, Salazar tows his son to and from pre-school. Hard work though it may be for Salazar, “it’s actually lots of fun,” he says. “We wave to people on their porches on Carroll Street. We get all sorts of comment like, ‘Look at that!’ or ‘How cute!’ when we ride by Duke. It’s really easy to stop […]